Dockton Studio

Monday, March 11, 2013

using the color study

This is 'Spring Light, Winter Shade,' pastel, 14.5 x 20 inches.

I used the 5x7 color study as my guide to apply the oil wash foundation to Wallis paper last night. This morning, with the color study beside me, I began adding pastel, went for a dog-walk, ran some errands and finished the painting in the afternoon. Another painting, my first full-size pastel, under my new studio lights.


  1. Barbara exemplifies the fact that beauty is everywhere around us. In 'Spring Light' she captured a beautiful scene from the Nisqually refuge and translated it beautifully to canvas, which she has mastered with all her paintings. I commented to my husband that here she is painting scenes from a location that is a 15 minute drive for me. Why am I not out there doing the same. Shake a leg! Or brush.
