Dockton Studio

Thursday, September 18, 2014

a most unusual day

When All is Said and Done, oil, 16x20 inches
Farewell to Summer, oil, 16 x 20 inches

Yesterdays, oil, 16 x 20 inches
Today was framing day for the three oil paintings for my upcoming show at The State of the Arts Gallery. When I got all three framed, I realized I had failed to photograph them first.

And, when photographing them and naming the files, I realized I had failed to ponder their titles - something that usually happens during the painting process.  So, one by one I named them.

And, now as I post them here, I am surprised that all together, they tell today's story: When all is said and done, farewell to summer yesterdays. I am amused and awed by this message that has come to me in this surprising way. I'm thinking about that message and will write about it on my life blog.

Note: several hours after I posted the images and text above, we learned that the building permit we have waited for all summer is ready to issue. Yay!