Dockton Studio

Monday, January 18, 2016

Acrylic painging - tiny ahaa!

For a short time today I forgot I was painting with acrylic paint. I mixed acrylic medium to the paint (50/50) and it felt so much more like oil paint. A tiny ahaa! First step was to sketch the house (yes, again) on the acrylic primed stretched canvas. I brushed acrylic medium over the whole thing (smears the pencil but that's OK). Mixed a few colors and added acrylic medium. The FEEL of applying the paint was much improved compared to using acrylics with water. Eliminated that scratchy, raw look of my 1-15-16 version.   

Fire Hydrant #3, 10 x 8 inches, acrylic
Thanks to all who have emailed me with comments about this painting, my process/challenge and their own interest in acrylics. In response to Sandi's question below, here is a photo of the medium I used in this painting. This jar of medium must be 10 years old!


  1. I just started reading your blog, I'm a pastelist that dabbles in acrylic. What is the acrylic medium you use to mix with your paint

    1. Hi Sandy,
      In answer to your question, I just posted a photo above. Good luck with acrylic! Barbara
