Dockton Studio

Thursday, October 6, 2016

September Afternoon 80% complete

Reference Photo for September Afternoon

This is my Saturday Demo showing students how to begin with the lightest value pastel. The sanded surface is Canson Mi-Tientes TOUCH mid-value color, Sepia.

Next, I applied the darkest value. Now I have the three values - lightest, mid and darkest. It gives me a guide for selecting colors based on value. "Value does the work, color gets the glory." - quote by Richard McKinley I think.

I laid-in a few other colors. At this point I started visiting with each student and the time flew by as we talked about their paintings so I never got back to this in the workshop. Today, nearly a week later, I worked more on it.

Here it is at this moment - about 80% complete. Watch for the finished painting here soon.


  1. Love the yellow sneaking from behind the trees in the back

  2. Barbara it is already beautiful! Could you tell us what brands of pastels you are using?

    1. Melissa, So far on this one I have used NuPastels, Schmincke, Unison and Girault. (some are hard, some are soft)
