Our blueberries are beginning to ripen which I find amazing since we have had so little sun. They remind me of the first colored pencil artworks I entered into competition - the 1992 Western Washington State Fair. I think I entered three pieces and one of the three was a small drawing of blueberries. In that show I received a Third Place and an Honorable Mention. The blueberries sold.
So... self-isolating and self-entertaining as I have been doing since March due to COVID-19, I thought it would interesting to compare my previous art with how I interpret blueberries now. I've just done a search of both computers and can't find an image so instead of the comparison, I'll just show you today's finished piece and a few of the progress shots. Happy Summer and happy painting to you.
Blueberries, oil, 8x8 inches ©2020 Barbara Benedetti Newton |