Friday, January 27, 2012

cold start

My weed-eater has a lever marked "COLD START." I flip it up to make starting the motor faster and easier. I need one of those levers because I'm definitely having a cold start to 2012 in more ways than one. Our weather is warming up but I spent 7 hours yesterday putting pastel on this painting and wiping it off.

Months ago, in preparation for the holidays, it was easy to "close up shop" and use the studio as additional space for family gatherings. Then came a week in Maui and five days without electricity at home. Most of this week was used catching up but suddenly it is Friday and I have no more excuses - I have to start painting again. After yesterday's frustration, this morning I began again on the same piece of Wallis paper with an oil wash as the foundation for "December Color." It is another painting of the path at our off-leash dog park. I can't say my painting motor is actually running for 2012 yet but I managed to sputter through this one. Click on the image to enlarge. This painting can be purchased through Daily Paintworks.


  1. You came out with a lovely work though. It is hard to go through that to get in the "flow" again. You just have to do the work and it will come and it looks like it did. It is beautiful.

  2. Thank you Debora. I'm thinking daily painting, no matter how small or in what medium is the answer. Paint or draw through the holidays, through illness, through vacations and through power outages.2012 resolution is to paint first, cook, clean and launder later!

  3. Coïncidence: it's exactly my 2012 resolution!
    Looking at that beautiful work, you may say "I'm back". Till now, I work almost every day...for the first time in my 68 years life!!!!! You're way ahead of me ;-)

  4. Barbara, I love your work and your blog. Just added your blog to my blog links.
