Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Acrylic Project

 Well, I'm three paintings in on The Acrylic Project. I actually have a book on acrylic but as with any medium, it's the easel time put in that really counts. Follow me and The Acrylic Project on Instagram.

"So, I Changed My Attitude" 🎈SOLD

"Getting to Know You" 🎈SOLD

"Tell Me Your Secrets"

Friday, July 30, 2021

Getting to Know You...


My acrylic work station and the Begonia blossoms set up

The Acrylic Project, Number 2
"Getting to Know You," acrylic, 6x6 inches

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

So I changed my attitude...

Every couple years I return to acrylic in an attempt to bond with that medium (no pun intended). I know the problem isn't the medium, it's me.

This time around, I am giving acrylics more respect. I have set up a separate work station just for them I have given them recognition as The Acrylic Project 2021.

Here is Number 1, title "So I Changed My Attitude."  I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised about what a difference a change of attitude makes! I enjoyed the process and am pleased with the result. 

The Acrylic Project, Number 1
"So I Changed My Attitude," acrylic, 6x6 inches

The set-up

Sunday, July 18, 2021

On the easel, new prints

Life is getting back to the normal of a few years ago for me. With more opportunities to show work in places other than online, and because I've had a great year selling larger paintings, I have been re-thinking the direction of my work for the coming year. I will be painting larger for the foreseeable future. 

In small-format, I will offer prints of original art on DailyPaintworks and on Etsy.

Summer is here! Happy summer everyone.

Last one on the pastel easel was "Sun Slide," 20x16 inches.

Two new prints posted today.

"Bejeweled Woodland" (I have two prints)

"Sincerely" (I have 4 prints)

Friday, July 16, 2021

Prints, anyone?

I have been getting many inquiries lately about prices of my paintings and also am learning that there seems to be a demand for prints of my work (again). I used to sell prints but at some point I ran out of inventory and didn't go there again. Until today. Offering my first new print in my new "store" (BBNewton DPW Store) on my DPW Gallery website.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Reworking an 8 year old recluse

Look what I found tucked behind my pastel easel. Arboretum Winter Color painted in 2013. It got as far as framing but then I unframed it to have it photographed for one of my print publishers. Because it was quite large, I tucked it safely away against the wall, unframed, and forgot about it. When I came across it last week, it begged to be reworked.

Arboretum, Winter Color, pastel, 24x24 inches, 2013.
Painted using the same scene as the reference photo.

Took some liberties with the scene and color and reworked the painting. I am interested to see how my pastel strokes have matured in eight years. Very happy with the new version. 

Arboretum, Winter Color, pastel, 24x24 inches,
©2021 Barbara Benedetti Newton